Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Trail Days 2018 – Appalachian Trail Days Festival – Damascus VA

I drove 6.5 hours down to the Appalachian Trail Days Festival in Damascus, VA again this year: http://www.traildays.us/

If you see yourself in the parade, drop a comment and time! Parade starts at 5:35
Odie’s speech is at 14:25

It was pretty rainy on Friday and the mood seemed on the somber side compared to other years. That being said, Saturday turned out to be a pretty good day weather wise and I was able to visit all the vendors and get to the parade without getting too wet. Finally ran into “Florida Girl Adventures” in the parade: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqL91M57UCsY1xHv_AFmXvw

Was nice hanging with Chuck “Crookshanks” and “costco” for the morning, breakfast, and vendor viewing: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3YPHT7hLAWfBiDaftLbiOw

Saw a whole bunch of through hikers I’m following on YouTube and talked to a few. I’ll fill in this section with the list as I have time:
IBTAT: https://www.youtube.com/user/htfu54
Evan’s Backpacking Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/TES56
Not by Sight: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY2fJvmTME1QgEBRevnEthQ
Brant & Garvey: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYX2u59E9uxUD92oFVKdZeg

Hiker Yearbook: https://hikeryearbook.com/
WhiteBlaze: https://whiteblaze.net/forum/content.php

Watch my other hiking videos:

Shot on an iPhone6 and stabilized with the Zhiyun Smooth Q Gimbal. The parade was filmed with the Smooth Q.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Storm Clouds Rolling by in Southern Maryland

My 1st attempt at filing storm clouds as they roll in. I was not expecting the storm and, in my haste setting up, I did a poor job framing the shot.

Monday, May 7, 2018

St. Mary's Lake Fishing with RhinoFishing TV and RockEastwood Outdoors

Went fishing this morning at St. Mary's Lake in Southern Maryland and met up with RhinoFishing TV and RockEastwood Outdoors @5:45 in video. They were out on kayaks and I fished from shore. Rocky is moving out of the area soon and figured it would be fun to meet up and do some fishing before he left. If you have not checked out either of their great channels, please do so, leave a like, and subscribe! We'll miss you here Rocky and will continue to follow your adventures online. 

RockEastwood Outdoors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LwT9VqDDHk

RhinoFishing TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwvFn021S0A